Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)
We have crafted our CSA with the environment, land, community and farmers in mind. Through the CSA, we offer you the opportunity to be our partner and a member of our family by consuming our local produce. With this program, we create a direct connection from the farm to your kitchen, removing the middleman and making the food chain process more just and fair for everyone: you get to access and buy high quality vegetables and we get to grow and offer vegetables with a fair wage.
Year round, we are growing a fresh selection of seasonal vegetables to include in our CSA bags. Every week will be different but the big changes will come as the season change. We also work with our neighboring farmers and other local farmers in the region to include some of their produce in our CSA, having more variety to offer you an another outlet for their produce to reach the residents of the area.
By being a Pixca member, your will be supporting the local agriculture and economy. You are welcome to visit the farm to obtain more information about this program or about what we do.
Through this membership, we’re seeking partners, community members willing to commit to sustainable local agriculture.
We farm, pick, pack and offer everything we do with much love and care.
When you sign up to become a member:

- You get to choose from our Xola bag with 10-13 different items or our Xica bag with 7-8 different items. Both bags are packed with local, seasonal, tasty produce, free of harsh chemicals.
- As a Xola bag member, you have the option to choose to get your veggies every week or every other week.
- You can cancel or skip a week if you're out of town with 72hr notice.
- You support the autonomy of a POC workers co-op and the sustainable local agriculture.